Kade Hansson wrote,

| Someone suggested that a resume effect would have to write to the disc. It
| would not. MD players have static memory, and MDs have unique identifiers.

| ...  If this disc already had a resume
| position, it could be updated on subsequent eject. You would only need to
| enforce a manual update if this was a 'new' disc and entering it into
| memory would mean purging the 'oldest' record.

Kade, you've dealt with switching discs in your post but not with switching
machines.  If you have several units, each would end up with a different re-
sumption point stored for the same disc, totally breaking any similarity to

Also, if the timestamp of the last TOC update postdates the unit's stored
resumption point for that disc (because it was edited in the meanwhile on
another machine), it pretty much has to ignore the stored resumption point.

The only way around those two little problems is, well, to store the resump-
tion point on the disc itself, not in the player.

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