> But he makes a valid point with regards to that thread because nobody ever
> agrees on it anyway. I like the feature, others don't. But why harp on about
> it? Why try and shove it down people's throats like some posters here are
> (perhaps unintentionally) doing?
> It goes round in circles every time, and it's just dead mail because of it.
> Adios,
> LarZ

Yep, you're right LarZ, it comes back and back and back and back.....

But not everybody is or stays on the list for more than three monts (the
average 'turn-around-time') to wittnis it. When I joined the list, I was
a fanatic anti END-SEARCH. I'm still since I think it's a stupid 'feature'.
(Note the 'I', that is ME, not the rest of the world!)

So now, I don't involve myself in END-SEARCH debates. Maybee PrinceGaz could
include a 'END-SEARCH YES/NO' field in his members list.

Ralph -> who thanks Peter Pan for pointing out the intelligent is written
         with two 'l's.... ;-)

Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
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thing happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: We learned
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                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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