> I've yet to see it in alt.audio.minidisc.  I saw it only on the MiniDiscus-
> sion Boards, but it came from an IP address whose assignment I can't track
> down [] and which certainly is not that of v2music.com nor
> mail0.v2music.com.  Possibly it was a legimitate post by a V2 employee using


schizo:~$ whois -h rs.arin.net
UUNET Technologies, Inc. (NETBLK-UUNET1996B) UUNET1996B
V2 Records (NETBLK-UU-208-227-152) UU-208-227-152

To single out one record, look it up with "!xxx", where xxx is the
handle, shown in parenthesis following the name, which comes first.

The ARIN Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet
Network Information: Networks, ASN's, and related POC's.
Please use the whois server at rs.internic.net for DOMAIN related
Information and nic.mil for NIPRNET Information.

That IP is most definitely inside of V2's IP allocation.

> Why did the post come from somewhere else?  My guess is that someone who
> received it in email posted it, and it was not posted by anyone at V2.

No.  You're being an uninformed paranoiac.  V2 has shown good faith in this 
matter for well over a month now.  Stop bashing them without the proper 

I'm getting to the point where I'm downright ashamed of being involved in this
boycott because of how you've been behaving.


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