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* Keith Rowland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Thu, 09 Sep 1999
| Is there a way to keep each of the tracks, tight up against each other, so
| that when the unit is seeking to
| the next track for playback, there is NO silence gap?

Not really, no.  Even when tracks are adjacent, the player does not know
that.  It still wants to seek to the start of the next track, regardless of 
where it might be, and that takes ~2 seconds.

I do not know if you can use them, but there are tricks you can do with
"virtual tracks".  A virtual track is a kind of container.  You can join
many tracks together in a virtual track, and the player sees them all as a
single track.  Or at least that is how I understand it to work.  Hope this
helps a bit.
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