
Y'know those new sony 4x CD->MD decks someone mentioned a few days ago?  I 
just saw a a TV ad that explains it all...

two guys (roommates?) are in an apartment.  one's next to a stereo, the 
other in the kitchen.  the guy in the kitchen throws a burrito into the 
microwave while the other guy puts a CD and an MD in the deck.you see the 
display cycling thrugh the time really fast while the music is also going 
super fast (imagine listening to a tape while it's fast-fowarding).  then 
the display flashes -END-, the guy ejects the disc and says "I Done first.  
I win"

Microwave guy: "yeah so?"
MD guy: "So give me the burrito"
(microwave guy drops it on the ground on purpose)

then sony does this little blurb about how you can record four times faster.

If there's anyone that's intrested, i can put your old-fashioned CCs on MD.  
No money, just send 4 MDs per tape (two to put the tape onto, two for mwe to 
keep as a payment).

BTW, does anybody have the address to Oscar's MiniDisc Media Gallery?  what 
about pics of the new Sony Onyx and new color collection MDs?


Jeffrey Lan<---who is the only person in his entire High School that uses 
MiniDisc, but the fourth in his family to own on (I have a cousin in hawaii 
with a player (unknown model, probably a sony portie), a cousin in Japan 
with a japanese R-55, an aunt in Taiwan with a japanese R-50, and i own the 
american R-50.  BTW, my aunt uses it because she's a professional Opera 

PS...My school just had a little ceremony to welcome us freshman to the HS.  
My state (New Jersey)'s governer gave a speech there, so a whole bunch of 
press people were ther.  I saw one woman from the radio with her R-50 in 
REC-PAUSE mode, her mic in the mic in (duh)

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