>Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:22:13 +0100
>From: "Simon Gardner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: MD: Copy-Proof CDs (Long)

>This is fair enough - a Compact Disc (for audio purposes) contains music
>that can be played back. If you own a piece of equipment with the "CDDA"
>logo on them and the disc won't play then you're entitled to a refund
>(statutory rights, faulty goods, etc).

>> The motto "The customer is always right" is the one to believe in-- and
>> actually I think if V2 produce another SCMS Final disc, we should all buy
>> it, then take it back and demand a refund.  And do the same at other
>> in our local city.  Once V2 realize their high-street sales are suffering
>> have no choice but to come back in line!

>This however is different - an SCMS-final disc will play back in everything
>(thus working to specification). It's *not* a legal requirement for a
>company to put out non-final (ie. copyable) discs, all we can do is
>encourage the companies to take a more sensible and mature attitude towards
>copying and show them that the SCMS is designed to allow one fair copy of
>their music and no more.

>Even if you're covered by the AHRA (and I don't think we are in the UK
>anyway), being legally allowed to do something and having the /right/ to do
>it are two different things. The artist/label always has the right to set
>SCMS to final if they so wish.

>A CD that won't play is faulty. A CD that you can play, but can't copy to
>isn't, and hence you wouldn't be entitled to a refund.

>(sucks I know, but that's how it is)


That's the whole problem. V2 is not legally obligated to make AHRA of 1992
compliant discs and the discs are not defective unless you can point to a
policy of V2's which states they master their CD's in accordance with the
AHRA of 1992. Then you have a legally binding contract that your V2 CD will
allow a digital recording. The only way we can hold them accountable at this
time is through the court of public opinion.

Notice the address that many have been linked to V2 and the associated post
is already gone (on the minidisc discussion board). Likely gone forever. It
was removed by latter posts on other subjects. This does not give us much to
work with if V2 music denies the statement latter when they put out another
digitally blocked disc.

This is why from the start I insisted they put a valid V2 post up on the
mdnewsgroup (from a legitimate V2 address and with a person who can make
V2's policies clearly at the bottom.) They have not done this at this time
although a e-mail from a dejanews free e-mail account was posted, was this
even V2, who can tell? Do they even have such a policy, if so why must they
hide it?  Why wont they make their statement public in the newsgroup under a
valid V2 address. This was the last term that would have ended the boycott,
they refused for months and then the webpage went up. They still have not
made the statement on some forum that could be dug up on dejanews three
years from now. If V2 made their alleged policy public in the newsgroup and
then was to state they had no such policy we could point to it in deja news.
If you are truly concerned about the CD copy proof disks ask V2 to put the
policy on their webpage. Ask the artists to put pressure on their label to
put it on their webpage, otherwise you will buy no more V2 CD's. See the
Boycott V2 Webpage for V2 address's, artist addresses and other information.

The webpage http://v2musiccds.com/

Thanks for your support,

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