> Magic wrote (in reply to me)
        simon > 1) Wot IS a "high frequency dynamic" ?

> Think of the opposite - low frequency dynamics. You know those really low
> sub-bass sounds you can't actually hear as much as you feel them. The same
> can
> happen with high-frequency sound, in that they are too high for your ears
> to
> hear, but they can still effect other senses.
Yes, I have felt low fequencies in my diaphragm, but what organ could I use
to detect these HIGH frequencies ?
Also, you still didn't say what the DYNAMIC part is. I can hear frequencies,
but I'm not sure I know what a dynamic is. I suspect it is a rate of change
of frequency or amplitude.

> There's also the effect that sampling at a low frequency rate such as
> 44kHz
> can have on a signal. A sine wave at 22kHz sampled at 44kHz becomes a
> triangle
> wave, and that does sound vastly different.
A 1kHz triangle wave DOES sound different to a 1kHz sine wave, but if I try
it at 10kHz, I can't hear a difference (because the triangularising
harmonics are above 20 kHz and inaudible), and at 22kHz I can't hear a damn
thing of either.


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