Simon Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Richard Anderson wrote:
>>Quoting a private email into a public forum without the prior 
>>consent of both parties is not on. Please do not do this again.

>Oh! Is this a bit a netiquette I missed ? I had assumed that given the
>insecure nature of the Internet, ANY email could be considered semi-public
>already, and in any case, if I had a paper letter from someone, I would be
>happy to quote it UNLESS they had asked me not to, or the context made it
>obvious that it was confidential.

Nope. The accepted netiquette is that private email is private, mailing 
list email is public. You don't post contents of a privately sent email 
to a mailing list without permission. If someone wanted everyone on a 
list to see an email, they would have sent it to the list.

Dan --> (using the silly arrow thing for the first time) who used to be a 
mailing list administrator as part of his job, and still moderates 
several lists of thousands of subscribers ;-)
To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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