
I agree, I can count the number of guys in "the know" who regularly
contribute to this list about minidisc manufacturing, outsourcing, answer
questions, help us peeps, etc. on one hand.  One finger of one hand.
That's Arnaud.

Even if Richer Sounds might have a certain brand of discs for 5p or so
less than HiSpace some month, I've used dozens of HiSpace fruity reds
and know I can trust them.  Okay their case colour leaves a little to be
desired, and that stupid logo in the middle has me totally bewildered.
Errm, Arnaud, do you know what that errm thing rotary thing in white
lines is supposed to represent, or had the designer just worked to long?
I won't even suggest someone at MPO was on the waccy-baccy and
just drew whatever came into his drug-sizzled mind :-)

I buy discs that are cheap, not look fancy.  I've *never* had a disc that
has *ever* given *any* error so I can't comment on reliability, other than
that of my Sony portie perhaps.  And that is true, not one error in over
three years of recording and playback, inc Sony Black MDW-74's.

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

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