> i'M SO PISSED OFF!! i bought my MZ-R55 in July and they had that =
> promotion thing for 3 MD's and a car adapter, and guess what i got.... a =
> battery adapter thing.....WHAT THE HELL IS going on.. i want my 3 free =
> MD's what the heck. anyone have this prob before? where can i contact =
> sony and complain
> i think i want to sue them!

3MDs in Britain are now less than 3UKP, it would probably cost more in
postage than it's worth your time visiting the post office.  Perhaps when
discs were 6UKP each when I first joined MD, or 12UKP a year before in
the days when the MZ-R2 was the state-of-the-art.  Do any of you guys
know how much blank 74min discs were in the UK back when the MZ-1
was the portie?  More than an expensive CD?  I would have had a MZ-R2
except the blanks were as expensive as a CD then :-P

PrinceGaz -> listening to "Beautiful South" and thinking Australia is where
I should be if awake now

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