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Hi All,

Thsi post might be slighty off topic, sorry.
I like the minidisc format a lot so in my new car I'd like a minidisc =
player. I was thinking about the Sony CDX-C880R or CDX-C7850R =
CD-Receiver and a Minidisc changer from sony MDX-65. Does anyone have =
any comment on that choice? A few day ago I went to the car-audio shop =
an the salesmen overthere told me that sony has one disadvantage. The =
Radio-Recievers is not as good as a kenwood or Pioneer. The signal will =
keeps fading in and out because my antenna of the new car is build into =
rear window. Does anyone have experience with this phenomenon??? If so =
let me know because kenwood and pioneer are very good but their MD =
CHanger are 30-50$ higher in price overhere...=20


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