Simon Barnes wrote,

| ...  if someone tried to sue me for violating their copyright over an email
| quotation, I'd be forced to punch them.

Forced or just very eager?

Seriously, though, that's part of the point: nobody has sued as yet, as far
as I've heard, largely because there's been no economic loss.  I've told
people that it is considered rude and that they shouldn't have done it, but
the situations I've seen certainly have been nothing worth suing over.

| I think my original contention was that one could consider ANY email
| to have been published once it has been committed to the Internet in plain
| text.

That will be for the courts to decide after someone sues.  It is not the
conventional view.

| Thanks, David, for your handy advice on how to quote.

You're welcome; paraphrasing can still be rude (if the content is something
that should have been kept in confidence), but technically it does not
violate the other person's implicit copyright on the private message.

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