>does anyone have any comments on how
> a
>  >stock Sharp headphone (came with my MT821) stacks up?  I haven't had any
>  >opportunity to compare.

I have a pair of the Sharp phones that came with my 702.  I dunno if
they are the same ones -- they are the walkman type with ear pads and
plastic suspension.  I think they are pretty poor by any decent
standard.  If you are going to bother with the supposedly superior sound
of MD over cassette, you might as well use decent phones. 

I have a pair of Sennheiser 580s which play quite loudly on the 702, and
have very good sound quality.  They have a bit more bass than i prefer,
but it is pretty reasonable on MD.  They have a very clean and clear
midrange and high end.  Quite smooth, and no listener fatigue.  Semi
open design with nice velvet ear piece covers.  Major disadvantage is
tendency of signal cord terminations to become intermittent from
mechanical strain.  I had the same problem with my first Sennheiser HD
414s in 1970.  They haven't changed the design.  I velcro'd the signal
cables to the headpiece/suspension and the problem is solved on mine.
They are currently available for around $199, and will be better than
most moderately priced speakers, and most moderately priced headphones.

I have also used a pair of AKG K240 phones on the 702, which play
considerably softer, but loud enough for jazz, classical, bluegrass and
other accoustic music short of full orchestral volume.  maybe not the
thing for rock volume wise.  On the other hand, if you do live recording
and want a pair of reference phones, they have become a standard of the
industry in studios.  probably because so many AKG mikes are around, but
also because they are flat, smooth, crisp, have tight bass, and are
comfortable to wear for long periods although you may sweat a bit under
the ear seal.  often on sale for 80-100.  

My standard of comparison for phones is a pair of STAX SRX-III

The cheapest high quality phones i am aware of that can be driven loudly
by walkman/MD are the Grado phones.  I find them uncomfortable to wear,
due to cheap (1930s communication equipment style) headpiece/suspension
and cheap/sleazy earpieces, but the sound quality is quite good,
especially for the money, and they are small and pretty light weight,
although not in the walkman weight class.  available at Circuit City,
some mail order, internet, etc.  around $60 and up.

Anyone using Etymotics on 702 or equivalent?


I hope the above isn't too far out of your price range.
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