Edward Gosfield III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Somehow I don't think the Grados were designed specifically for 
>portables. Having met Joe Grado a number of times during my days 
>in the hi-fi biz, i think he is interested in making efficient 
>machines. If he found out they were great on portables, of 
>course, far be it from him to ignore a marketing coup.

I read an interview with him once. Supposedly he was trying to build an 
"inexpensive" (read: <$100) set of headphones that sounded great and were 
efficient enough to sound great on lower-end electronics. He figured that 
anyone spending <$100 on a set of headphones probably didn't have a 
super-high-end system, so efficiency was very important. After they were 
released to rave reviews, every reviewer made the observation that these 
were *great* for portables. Since then, they have made sure that any 
changes/improvements didn't take away from the SR-60s ability to be used 
with any portable. So you may be right -- I don't know if J.G. was 
consciously thinking only about portables. But they are developed partly 
for them now <grin>

>But for casual use, which is what i use the MD for, i
>would feel encumbered by a headphone amp. Unless it were the size of a
>cassette box.

The AirHead runs on two AA batteries and is about the size of a cassette 
box <grin>

The nice thing about an MD, Airhead, and Etys is that you have amazing 
sound quality with virtually no external noise.
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