> | No, the LSB gets dropped and you still end up with a signal that will not
> | overflow the register. All that happens is you lose the extra 1 bit
> | resolution from the LSB end.
> And this is significantly different from "clipping" in what way?  Loss of
> data is loss of data, no matter how you try to spin it.

Well, clipping manifests itself as chopping the MSB (bit or bits, depending 
on the severity of clipping) because the incoming signal has a range far 
beyond the sampling range of the A/D converter.  Magic's LSB clipping would
occur only if you're transferring digital data, and the frame copy routine
is specified to maintain the MSB when discarding data.  A poorly designed
routine would accidentally discard the MSB instead of the LSB, resulting in
a behavior that sounds much like clipping, but without the A/D stage that 
clipping is historically characterized by.

This is all IIRC, so if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me politely. =P

my $0.02,


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