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I was recently reviewing my computer's motherboard's manual (I was
bored... us techies find reference manuals entertaining). I didn't
really like this MoBo, 'cause it has integrated sound and video devices,
so I can't exchange them for better stuff.

Anyway... Upon reading the manual I found out that it has SPDIF input
AND output, "**VERY** interesting" thought I. The input can be connected
to the cdrom, and the output can be connected to a minidisc --The manual
actually mentions that--. They're electronic, not optical, switchable
between 0-0.5V and 0-5V. I suppose it's trivial to connect an optical
TOSLINK connector to the output.

I case any are interested, the manual lists as a "PC100 Mainboard", and
"Super 7 Mainboard, M598 User's Manual". The copyright says "Copyright
(C) 1998, All Rights Reserved, M598, Version 5.0, S5/December 1998".

Ok, there you are. I hope this is useful to someone. Have fun and all.


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