NO!  This is not an email about public transport :-P

Its sound cards, video cards, modems, and the AGP, PCI and ISA bus.

I was very worried when a guy said my Creative Savage4 card may have
"problems" with PC100 RAM.   That scared me a bit.  But I think it's more
likely the peeps havent been geeks like me who spend hours fiddling with
BIOS settings etc [needing a boot floppy on numerous occasions], to get
everything running.  My vid card is cooking with gas now-- much faster
than b4 adjusting BIOS stuff that can only be described as "esoteric".

I had odd problems with the computer seeming to freeze for 5-20 secs
when switching apps, possibly memory conflicts (32MB EDO RAM) but
now solved, see next paragraph.

It was fast b4, and is steaming now.  My guess is similar tweaks will get
it to work with PC100 memory and cook with gas!  BTW I have a tendency
to spend hours tweaking things which may explain why many peeps did
not resolve problems.  And also why I'm a sad, sad geek with no life :-)

The soundcard is not so good-- it seems to be emulated DirectX SB16
compatability and thats just not good enough.  I need real DirectX and
may put my old SB16 ISA back in if the LiveWare 3.0 drivers do nought!!!
It may be IRQ5 M220 and DMA 1 & 5 (for 8 &16-bit) but I don't want a c**p

If I disable SB16 emulation, and put my old SB16 in with only sound
enabled would that work?  Or will they fight with each other?

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

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