I dont understand how you can blame software for an obvious hardware
problem.  Its like blaming engine stuttering on bad gas.  What is bad gas?
I personally dont believe there is such a thing.  You are taking an apple
and saying it causes the orange to smell like an orange.
    Second of all.  NO IDE hard drive takes up only 8% cpu power.  Go to
www.storagereview.com  and check out all of their benchmarks.
    Another thing.  Refresh rates are how many times per second 1 line is
redrawn.  Starting from the top down, a monitor draws a line, as soon as it
gets done, it does it over again.  When you look at a video of a monitor,
you see bars, that is the refresh rate being slowed by the NTSC standard FPS
of only 30.
    Ok, with your stupid dos machine.  Lets run Quake at the same time we
are playing MP3's.  I bet it will stutter.  Or how about copying a 1gb file
from hard drive to hard drive, I bet it will skip!
     I CPU feeds data to a card, not the other way around.  If a card takes
more information than a CPU can handle, the CPU maxes out and cannot provide
any more.  However, if a CPU feeds too much data to a card, you do not get a
buffer overrun, you just dont get any more data.  Lets see.  If we try to
put 33 cars parrallel on a 32 lane highway, the last car gets pushed off the
side.  Better yet, the way computers work, is that that data is NOT SENT!
Thats why we have AGP.  If 32 megs of onboard memory is not enough to handle
all of the textures, it uses memory to divert that info.  It does not wait
for it.  Thats why we have buffer memory, it pre-cache information.
     Its TOTALLY stupid to say that drivers cause 1 bit of overrun.  Its
STUPID to say that so much windows information is being sent to the video
card that the video card buffers are becomming full..what does windows send
to a videocard?  NOTHING REALLY!  Its STUPID to say that windows even maxes
out a computer in normal operation.  What is simply happening is that there
is a software conflict.  My guess is that its DirectX.
    Yes, I have helped design a processor here at the University of
Minnesota.  I know about piplining, dual execution codes, FPU's, Et Al.  I
work with millions of dollars of equipment per day.  I maintain mainframes,
and massive servers.  I built around 200-300 computers a year.  I know
hardware in and out.


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