I've got the Soundblaster Live Value and digital daughter board and am
connecting two minidisk decks via it.

I've made quite a few analogue recordings to MD of my own stuff, and to
free-up MDs, copied the 'best' bits to a best-of MD, and re-used the
originals for other things. Of course I now can't copy these tracks
digitally as SCMS comes into effect. Analogue copies are not really a
sensible option as one the MD decks is just a portable - and the ADCs/DACs
don't seem that hot in it.

Using LiveWare 2.1 software, it seems the SCMS from the source is simply
passed through, so if the source minidisc is a digital copy the recording
deck won't let you copy it. Basically it's as if the PC wasn't there at all
(apart from recording levels).

Is there a software solution anywhere for this problem, without resorting to
sampling the tracks to hard disk? For example some professional software, a
hack/patch, or program?

The other irritating thing is that digital recordings from the PC to MD (for
example a sample of an analogue track I've made), are also SCMS protected.
The resulting minidisc cannot be copied digitally! So despite the source
being mine, I'm not able to make SCMS 'unrestricted' MDs, and can't allow
people to make a digital copy of my minidiscs if I want them to. This in
turn means that all my recording would have to stay on my hard disk in case
I wanted to make another disk from them!

I'd imagine the program would filter the SPDIF input before outputting it
again (in real time), making the PC an SCMS stripper.

I wouldn't mind having a go at this myself, expect that I haven't clue where
to even start! I'd guess the real place for this is in the driver, and that
there should be a check-box somewhere to set the SCMS mode?

Any ideas?

Anybody looks at the differrences from the early SB Live drivers (that
acting on SCMS rather that passing it through)?


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