> Michael Chissik has this to say in the article "Legal or not?" on page =
> 95 :
> Copying a CD into another format - whether to tape, MP3 or another CD - =
> is an infringement of copyright under UK law, because it's reproducing =
> the copyright protected work without the consent of the owner. There are =
> certain permitted exceptions to this, but copying of sound recordings =
> for personal use is not one of them"
> </QUOTE>
> Magic

Probably true - we're not covered by the AHRA over here, so the Berne
Convention applies - which basically states that you can't copy / transfer a
copyrighted work to another medium without the permission of the copyright

The Berne Convention covers pretty much all copyrighted works, but the main
exception to it (for music) is for students to copy excerpts of pieces for
study purposes.

I'm not a lawyer, but that's how the law goes as I understand it. Obviously
it's entirely unenforcable, which is why recording for personal use is
ignored in the UK.


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