David Katzmaier wrote:
> I've also learned a lot in testing different MD recorders, and one of the
> main things I've learned is that they're dang expensive for the average Joe
> (i.e. etown.com reader). That's obviously why I chose the 815 as product of
> the year.

You've got that right!  I'm a big MD fan, I even have an MD web page
(that although hasn't been updated in a year, people still keeping
writing with questions, about 5 a day).
However, with all that I used to talk about MD, not one of my friends
felt like dropping $200+ for a recorder.  I think when MD equipment
drops down to the 2-digit price range is when most people will buy it. 
MD better start showing up at Wal-Mart real soon or I have a feeling it
will forever be a niche market.

> I think you all should be psyched about the choice. In fact, I think the
> 815 and "budget" players like it will do more for MD mass acceptence (and
> cheaper blank media, and product development, such as portable optical out,
> better PC interface, < 74 minutes, etc.) in the brief time since it's been
> out than any other development the format's ever had. Sharp agrees; on a
> recent chat one of the Sharp honchos claimed they're capturing more of the
> market than ever.

Yes, cheaper is the key!  However, I think the major companies should
stress more on MP3 integration.  MP3 is a hot item.  I could see an
inexpensive MD recorder with a USB dataport and a DSP chip that does
high-speed MP3 to ATRAC conversion as being a REALLY hot seller.  I
don't think it's necessary to come up with a whole new standard of MD's
that use MP3 compression, but I think an invisible, behind the scenes,
and high-speed MP3 to ATRAC conversion would suffice.  Just a fast and
easy "drag & drop" way to get MP3 tunes onto an MD, and have the
resultant MD still be compatible for playback in ALL MD equipment is
what we need.

> So what's your vote for best 1999 MD product? (sorry, the R50 doesn't
> count; it's 1998)

Ah well, I won't participate in the vote, I'm still using "antique" MD
equipment, heheh.

Shawn Lin
NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
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