At 10:39 PM 12/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>* Kade Hansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Thu, 02 Dec 1999
>| Isn't that an oxymoron? Isn't "impossibility" a synonym.
>More like, "so unlikely as not to be worth considering at this time," which 
>does not mean "impossible".

But that ain't what you said. You said "non-existant possibility" =>
"absence of possibility". "Unlikely" means "very little possibility", not
"absence of possibility".

>| At any rate, I disagree.
>Disagree all you want, but nobody has said anything about reducing the DVD
>form factor.  So until a big name like Pioneer says otherwise, I would not
>hold my breath were I you.

There is a significant difference between improbable and impossible. It is
possible to make 8cm DVDs, and it is possible to have players which play
them (indeed, many already could). Heard of DVD-1 to DVD-4? Theoretical
maybe, but certainly practically possible.

I have no doubt that 8cm DVDs will be made (if they haven't already). I do
have a doubt they will be anything more than a novelty.



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