> While titling a recording of Handel's 'Semele' , which contains lots of
> snappy numbers like
> 'Ah, wretched prince... Wing'd with our fears....O prodigy, to me of dire
> portent!'
> on my Sony deck, I received the 'Name Full !!!' message. I like to pack
> info in when titling, and with opera, you can really get carried away, but
> to my amazement, this is the first time I've ever exceeded the limit. Just
> wondered if anyone else had ever run out of space in normal use?
> The titling feature seems to me to be one of the major glories of the
> format, and high on my wish list is for some manufacturer to produce a
> with either a small eight or ten line LCD screen, or a thin display that
> runs the width of the unit. The truncated titles that you end up looking
> really get on my tits. Maybe Japanese is less verbose.

Good grief, another Handel nut.

I usually go for the short versions of the titles of arias.They even do that
in the booklets with many CDs.

The above can appear as "Ah, wretched prince... "

Which version do you have? The John Elliot Gardiner?


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