> A Psion or a Palm simply would not have enough memory. At one time, I
> had the entire HitDisc library stored on word processor (but name, title
> and location only.) I think there were about 25 or so 1.44 MB discs
> fllled before the word processor could take it no more and blew up. I
> would have to use a laptop with at least 4GB of memory to do the job and
> it would take forever to input the information again, although I imagine
> I'll get around to it one of these days.

An idea might be to use one of the new IBM Microdrive discs - they fit in a
CompactFlash slot and offer (at the moment) up to 340mb, at reasonable
prices (under 1UKP per Mb). They're planning to get up to several gigabytes
next year.

Might be a technology to keep an eye on - one of the proposed uses is for
keeping large databases on hand for sales people, field engineers, etc.



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