Hya All,

Not wishing to take this OT threed any further but... ;) Besides from
the encoder what else makes the best output... ie settings. Obvious
the higher the bit rate the better, using a HQ option if the encoder
has one... my main question is the stereo...

There are two option that I can find.... Simple Stereo and Joint
Stereo... The AudioCatalyst help file says that SS can be worst then
JS, but it says that SS is sharing the bitstream for both channels and
JS is not.

To me this sounds like total rubbish, I would have thought that SS
would keep the channels totaly sperate, but I maybe wrong...

Please someone put me out of my misery, at risk of getting flamed by
Nick for OT please reply to the group, failing that a personnel email
wouldn't go amiss ;).


Peter. -> www.wood-soft.co.uk
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