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How can you get music on satellite? All I get on mine is TV, can't get any
radio on it, but I wish I could.
At 01:42 PM 1/22/00 EST, you wrote:
>I own a JB920 and a JE510, and both have been good to me, though I had to go 
>in and fix the minidisc bug on the 510 last year.
>Perhaps the biggest mistake I've made as an electronics purchase is
getting a 
>home audio CD-R recorder. I've been resisting the inevitable connection of 
>every machine in my house, and, at least until now, have wanted to keep my 
>computer and electronics separate, even though I know computer CD-R's don't 
>have problems with SCMS. 
>I thought I would buy the Pioneer 555RW and pare down my massive CD 
>collection. I would group and record similar material onto minidisc (for 
>back-up and MD's editing capabilities) and record the minidisc to CD. Then I 
>could get rid of all the CD's I have that only have one of two good songs. 
>Now, though you may find this hard to believe, I rarely have recorded onto 
>minidisc from a CD source, even though I have had a machine for several 
>years. I record a lot of live music off of satellite (I have an optical out 
>on the satellite receiver). Maybe because I have used the "one track analog 
>trick" I have made third generation MD's from the satellite source.
>The Pioneer 555RW isn't intuitive and the remote is horrible. My JB920 has 
>more editing features in its little pinkie (if it had a pinkie). I suppose 
>this lack of features is to try and foil dangerous and sick individuals as 
>Speaking of being a dangerous and sick individual, I am unable to make a
>from the minidisc copy. I have tried the cloning trick but end up with a 
>strange garbled mess. Is there another way, or should I just try analog? Is 
>an analog copy noticeably inferior? 
>Thanks for any replies,
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Brent Harding
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