On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Ralph Smeets wrote:

> I remember the time where the MD-Data drive was introduced. At that time,
> it was quite competing and a good alternative for the Zip Drive. But:
> 1) MD-Data drive was about 2-3 times more expensive than a Zip Drive
> 2) Zip Drives could be hooked up to a Parallel port or a SCSI port, the
>    MD-Data drive needed a SCSI-2 port.
> Both these two arguments are enough for all the people to buy the Zip Drive
> with the Parallel interface. (//=~220kb/s, MD-Data =~ 150kb/s).

        Yeah, a classical example of Sony pointless marketing estrategy.
I guess they sometimes think that although their product is the last on
the market, people will buy it for the simple fact that is Sony's :(
        With that figures, MO is better than MD-data. But my point was to
make a device that connects to your computer definitely via USB or
FireWire. And that has lots of room for speed, plus multiplatform
compatibility. Do you know the midiman CO2? imagine a device that has
in/outs for:

        USB: capable of raw data, device control and sound up to

        FireWire: same, but up to 400MBits/s (800 in a near future)
Than plus a MD-Data2 that will be able to store data that comes through
the input ports.        

Francisco J. Montilla               System & Network administrator
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