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the trouble is automation with md, if you want to record long programs, and
still use stereo, you can't because there's no changers on the market that
hold lots of md's. What would be more usefull is if it could control your
tuner/satellite system to go to certain channels at certain times.
Can you record from the c-band satellite receivers that are usually set for
TV channels, like just to get the audio of a program? Much more compact for
recording news and other things that the visual part can be eliminated than
wasting video tapes to record just audio to see a black screen.
At 11:27 PM 2/21/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Gary,
>Can't help you with your love life, but I really appreciate the input
about Rio.
>MD has been around for about 8 years now.  Although I'm the only person in
the MD
>world that finds the quality of Sony's MZ-1 acceptable, in 8 years MD
>manufactures have not sat on their hands.
>By the time that they got to ATRAC 3.4 or 4, they had it down pretty well.
>Aside from the no moving parts issue, I find no advantage to solid state
>if it still involves compression.  ATRAC and magneto/optical digital
storage have
>proven themselves.
>And 74 or 80 minutes of storage on an MD costs a lot less then using "solid
>If you don't want compression, get a CD Writer.  But if you are looking for a
>more "perfect media, I say MD wins.  I have never had an MD (disc) that
would no
>longer work because it was scratched.  I have a load of CD that are useless.
>Just my 2 cents.
>> That's the mp3 player, not the country singer.  I don't know what came over
>> me, but I went out and bought a Rio player at Comp USA today.  Well, I do
>> know what came over me, and if you must know, I subconsciously thought
that a
>> new gadget would soothe the problems in my love life.  Anywho, I was not
>> impressed.  I bought the thing because it is the only player out there that
>> uses Smartmedia flash cards instead of the more popular compact flash.  I
>> already had a couple of these cards on hand for my digital camera.  The
>> needed to be formatted to be used in the Rio, so I formatted.  I tried
to put
>> several tracks from the free internet-only album by the greatest band on
>> earth, Self (www.dreamworksrecords.com/self).  However, little Mr. Rio told
>> me that the files were "first generation copies" and could not be placed on
>> the player.  Rubbish, I say!  The tracks were meant to be freely
>> distributed!!  When I finally got a different track recorded, I was also
>> too impressed with the sound.  And the volume was absolutley pitiful.  I'm
>> returning the Rio tommorrow (grumbling all the way about CompUSA's 15% open
>> box charge).  But you wanna know the best part?  The $99 Smartmedia card I
>> formatted is now pemanently unusable in anything other than a Rio player, a
>> fact that the instructions failed to mention.  Wonderful, n'est-ce pas?  I
>> sent a letter to Diamond tech support and am eagerly awaiting to see what
>> there reply will be.  If the words "new smartmedia card" are not
included, I
>> am going to be ROYALLY pissed off.  The moral of this story? Stick to
>> minidisc, and bash Diamond execs with sticks if you ever see them.
>> Gary
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