From: Dr. Wailun Kwok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 12:50 PM
Subject: MD: MD's future

> Dear all,
> I have read a lot of messages regarding MD, MP3,..., etc. I have also read
> some long discussion about MD's future not too long ago. I have some
> We can also look MD from different point of view. Because no matter ATRAC,
> WMA or MP3, they are all files in computer world. So, MD, in fact, is a
> format of computer data storage.

There's a fairly signficant difference here. ATRAC is most definately NOT a
computer file format, it is an encoding system designed specifically for MD
in the same was as CDAudio is a format specifically designed for audio CD.
Yes, you can (if you get the right hardware) extract the data onto a
computer and use it, but it is not a file format in itself. MP3 and WMA were
designed specifically to work on computers.

> In this sense, MD will have very very wide application because it has very
> good form factor, random access capability (compared with tape), good
> protection to the storage media, and, high storage density (MD data 2 can
> store up to 650MB of data). For example, MD digital camera, MD MP3 player
> (MP3 files stored on MD disc), MD digital vedio camera, MD music player
> call it MD player today), MD digital voice recorder, ...

I wont argue with that, the format has great possibilities if Sony use their
heads and market it properly, but we know that with Sony that doesn't happen
much. Sony seem not to have learnt yet that they can't just rely on their
brand name with "unknown" technology such as MD. IF it's a pair og
headphones then by all means make a "slice of life" advert which doesn't
immediately tell you what they are selling , but with things such as MD you
need to inform people about what the technology does, not just assume they
will realise because they wont.

If this technology succeeds it will have had virtually nothing to do with
Sony advertising at all, it will be word of mouth.

> MD, MD computer data drive, is a perfect replacement to floppy disk. One
> can replace up to 450 floppy discs. For floppy, we do not ask for high
> access speed. MD computer data drive could have many different interface
> such as IDE, USB or even 1394. It should have its role in the multi-media
> world. Comparing with those memory stick, its price is far too attractive.

It came and went! Sony underestimated the computer market as you too seem to
be doing. I can't remember the last time I used a floppy disc.... I think it
was about 3 years ago when I installed Windows onto an old PC and needed a
boot disk - most can boot from CD now. I don't have a floppy drive on my PC,
I have an internal ZIP250Mb which I use instead. I have a CD-RW if I need
more storage, but with DriveSpace running on the ZIP I get around 500Mb from
that anyway (sometimes over 700Mb if I'm working with graphics). MD will
have very little chance of success as a replacement for the floppy as there
are a lot of much better technologies out there already which are cheaper.
MD computer drives are only really useful in terms of a quick way to get
material to and from MD disks to sound editing software - something which I
would find very useful as it would mean I don't need to spend 74mins copying
a disk to the PC and could get rid of the Sony920 sitting on my computer

> With the MD computer data drive, we will be able to copy music files,
> files, voice files or even movie files, from computer to the MD disc
> easily, then, replay it in the corresponding equipements which could be MD
> music player, MD digital voice player, MD video player,...

Possibly. For audio recording I love using my MD, but I'm not so sure about
movie editing. I find the older Hi8 camcorder systems give better quality
pictures than the DV systems, and if sound is that critical I just strap my
MD onto my belt and plug into the camcorder for backup sound, or even better
use a seperate sound recording setup altogether. When digital video improves
I may be tempted, but not yet.

> I have tried to realize my idea with the manufacturer in Taiwan but the
> project failed because: (1) the company did not put priority to the
> project, they focus on CD-ROM; (2) most of the MD patents are in Japanese
> hands.

or how about (3) it has already been done ?
We've had MD data drives and they failed because the competition was better.
By the time MD2 hits the streets I expect there will be smaller, faster,
more convenient PC hardware available. If MD tries to invade the computer
world it may get killed off. It would be better to concentrate on giving it
a stronger hold as an audio format where it is getting a really good
take-up. Possibly use it in digital video too, but I'm not so sure it wont
have better competition there from other technologies such as mini hard
drives and RAM storage.

> However, I truely believe there is a huge market for the MD products
> mentioned above. Anyone of you see the possibility? Thanks.

I'm a pessimistic ol' git sometimes, but it pays off. If you can argue me
down there's no reason why it wouldn't succeed, but I think it would be
better for MD to concentrate on a marketplace where there currently aren't
many in the running for competition - the PC marketplace is already flooded
with different storage devices and MD would become just another one of the
40+ different technologies I have in the catalogue next to me.

"Creativity is more a birthright than an acquisition, and the power of sound
is wisdom and understanding applied to the power of vibration."

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