> Hi David,
> Thanks for taking up your questions on MD-L. I'm even happier to
> answer them here.
> > I was really into MiniDisc until I went to the Switzerland Web Site and its
> > seems that every player had problems with it and eventually whether it takes
> > 1 month or 1 year, the player shuts down.
> Okay, careful, you're looking at a page *devoted* to equipment
> problems. People are not invited to report e.g. "unit working just
> fine for years!"  there. And of course it is false to say that every
> unit will eventually fail. I have a nice MZ-R50 and MD-MS701 that have
> never had problems.

It's like the Sony-Sharp battle on this list. I must admit I'm a Sharpy, why?
simple, I've got a 702 that has never failed on me. I've got also the MDS-S38
home-deck (a 510 in midi size) with all the 510 bugs in it (turning on, display
flickering, grinding noizes). And a MDX-7900R car-head which sometimes doesn't
want to accept a disk. (Randomly... Disks are ranging from HiSpace to Sony and
several Maxell disks. They ALL give troubles (sometimes).) 

> I just don't find anything compelling (yet) about those overpriced
> little MP3 boxes, sorry. Maybe I'd feel differently if I listened to
> tunes during high-g sports activites.
> Rick

I see a market for MP3, but unless they solve the high cost of taking MP3's
with you (which is solved using MD), I don't see a very bright future. I've
seen that there are some 'stand-alone' home-decks comming out. They enable
you to record a MP3 and to store it on the internal HD.

For me MP3 is a 'consumer-unfriendly' format.
1) you need a PC. 
2) You just can't push the button and a WAV is converted into MP3. You
   need to fiddle around with settings to obtain the best sound!
3) It's to expensive to carry your 'music-database' with you. (Unless you've
   got a laptop).
   (Example: You're going on a two-weeks holiday. You want to take your
    favourite music with you: About 20 CDs (which isn't that much for a two
    weeks holiday). That makes 20MDs @ $4. In terms of MP3, you'll have a
    problem here... Either you buy a $2000 laptop, or you buy 20 32MB memory
    cards @ $100.... 

It's also a format that will be brought to dead by the music-industrie. Why,
simple, they just hate it that there is no copy-protection on MP3 and the
underground MP3 sites that come with this. (type MP3 in altavista and you
see what I mean. (80% of the responses are 'warez', 'games', 'mp3z' sites).

Ralph -> may I say that one of the reasons MD is getting more popular by
         the day is MP3?
Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
Fax:    (+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11                       5, chem de la Dhuy
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
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   something happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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