Hi there,

JR Moore and the others are right. On a post not too long ago, I mentioned
how leaving a MD player in your trouser pockets will make it skip,
regardless of its capabilities.

If you'd rather keep it in your pocket, try this. Do things so that the MD
player doesn't wobble around in your pocket. For example, attaching the
battery case. Do everything you can so it absolutely stuffs the pocket.

Shirt pockets are also great, but since on the PX5 unit |<< and >>| buttons
double as volume control, it may be a little annoying to operate.


> normally i just keep it in my trouser pocket, and i
> dont believe i walk fast, but in my larger pockets,
> the md does swing a lot, and even walking on flat
> ground, the md skips, and stops playing until i take
> it out and just hold it when i walk. i find if i hold
> it in my hand while walking or running then its fine,
> only when i have it in my pocket does it skip.
> is there anything i should do that can stop it
> skipping so much?
> or is my md just not working right?

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