>>  I took my troubled R91 to the Mr Bungle show in Sydney on Friday night and
>>  recorded two MD's with no problems what-so-ever. Now i don't get it.

>  Maybe the dude at the sound desk stuffed up that night.

Another Idea .... 

Most portable recorders will only take a certain amount of shock (vibrations), before
they will stop recording.  If this was relatively loud concert the vribrations
may have caused the MZ-R91 to stop recording.  Continous vibrations are just
as likely to cause a recorder to drop out of recording mode as droping it on the floor.
(as the heads never get a quiet time to realign for recording .. regardless how
many seconds of shock memory are available).

Experiment with your MZ-R91 to see what it takes (vibration wise) to cause it to drop 
out of
record mode ... (sit in on the washing machine in spin cycle, on top of a speaker 
loud bass signals, on the bonnet of a rough idling car  ... just a few ideas).

It could be the vibration problem ... or maybe LarZ is right .. the sound desk dude 
simply stuffed up !!!

L8R   GC

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