Heya All,

>With all do respect, I not recall you mentioning that you are a H S
>distributor.  No offence but how can you be impartial?  Your opinion would carry
>much more weight if you had no connection to H S.
Fair enough, I'm not linked to anyone... so I'll speak

>Lets face it you cut a deal with Mr. "French" to distribute his discs.  We can't
>expect you to say that they are crap.  All I can do is report on the statements
>of others on the list.  H S has not gotten many favorable reviews.
HS are very high quality discs, and I'll bet that the magizines where
either bias towards the well known companies or where sponsered by
them or didn't wait for a new company/produce to stablise before
making a generic comment... all new companies/products have bad stops
as their getting it right.

I use HS and I have gone through 185 74min and 80min HS MD's and 
only had 3 errors on three different disc's all at the end of the
disc.... I copy a friends band's music onto minidisc for people and I
use HiSpace, they end up in Awia, Sony, Sharp, and other minidisc
players and I have never had one that didn't work. (I use a Sharp

>Unless they started using different materials, the shells that they used to come
>in were made of flimsy material.
Okey, I'm looking at the two HS that I got ages ago, yeah they're not
as good as the current ones, but they're still alright (better then
Memorex Colour's).... The current ones are better IMHO then Sony and
definatly Memorex. Not to mention they are cheap.

I was speaking to a rep from Richer Sounds (UK audio company) and
appartently they rave about HS. They love them, and this guy who was
obviously into MiniDisc's said he had found them to be some of the
best. Richer Sounds sales people don't usauly lie, they're all audio
enthausiasts..... In the job description I think... ;)

About bass coming over lower then higher frequences or whatever...
Rubbish. It's a digital medium, the way you store it is the way you
read it off....

<THEORY name="Wood MiniDisc Error Sound Theory" type="proto">
(incase it ends up being right ;)

The only way I can see that it could be different is that if the data
was damamged by these small holes I hear about, and the error recovery
doesn't bring back the original, just something close. So it would
sound different... But would the difference be that big you could hear
it? I don't know... there would have to be a lot of errors in order
for this theory to work.

Okey I'm gonna shut up ;) Have a good one all,

Peter. -> http://www.wood-soft.co.uk/minidisc
Arien and WoodMUE, Project Manager and Lead Programmer.
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