Hello everybody!

I'm new to the list, and did some searching through the archives about
this, but couldn't find anything.  I apologize if this is a topic that
has recently been examined.

I'm a happy owner of a Sony MZ-R37, and am looking for a cheap solution
to recording MP3s onto MiniDiscs.  The Xitel Storm Platinum seems to be
a rather popular and delightfully inexpensive card, but I've been unable
to find very many people speaking of using this card with Linux.

What I'm wondering is, does the optical/digital output on this card work
under Linux?  I see that Aureal has released Linux drivers for the
Vortex2 chipset (which the Storm Platinum uses), but I just wanted to
see if any other MiniDisc/Linux enthusiasts are out there using this
combination, or what they might recommend otherwise.

Thanks in advance!

# Erik Arneson     [EMAIL PROTECTED]      Webring Technical Yahoo! #
# http://www.aarg.net/erik/             GPG Key ID: 1024D/43AD6AB8 #
# "The worst wheel of a cart makes the most noise." - Ben Franklin #
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