On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Erik Arneson wrote:


> I'm a happy owner of a Sony MZ-R37, and am looking for a cheap solution
> to recording MP3s onto MiniDiscs.  The Xitel Storm Platinum seems to be
> a rather popular and delightfully inexpensive card, but I've been unable
> to find very many people speaking of using this card with Linux.

        I haven't heard anything also...

> What I'm wondering is, does the optical/digital output on this card work
> under Linux?  I see that Aureal has released Linux drivers for the

        hehe, that's the question... :)

> Vortex2 chipset (which the Storm Platinum uses), but I just wanted to
> see if any other MiniDisc/Linux enthusiasts are out there using this
> combination, or what they might recommend otherwise.

        I'm using with no problems a Turtle Beach Multisound
Fiji/Pinnacle. Is a a great card, It was very expensive, although right
now Turtle Beach sells refurbished units (they simply added more Kurztweil
capabilities) for about $250-$300, I guess that buying from other
distributors instead directly from them will be cheaper. 

        This card has excellent ADC/DAC, and a superb S/N ratio.  Is
intended for almost Pro audio digitizing, has a S/PDIF IO board that works
fine under Linux with the pinlinux drivers (available in stock 2.2.x
kernels) though no mmaped audio (i.e. no quake, and other games).

        I have used it fine for:

        - Transfer audio from PC to MD
        - Transfer audio from MD/CD caroussel to PC

        My advice is try to locate a Xitel from a friend and try it under
Linux. If it doesn't work, maybe you can find a Turtle Beach Fiji/Pinnacle
cheap enough, but beware that it doesn't have TOSlink, so this, although a
secure route, won't be the cheapest/more convenient one.

        hope it helps,

Francisco J. Montilla               System & Network administrator
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