Ed wrote:

>There are large advantages of MD over cassette - its editing for one.
>But for now I *still* use cassettes for "air checks" of my radio show

Ed - use the MD, you can re-record it *one million* times, forget
degradation, and it is much easier to dump unwanted junk (the editing
advantage you mentioned) Plus you use far less of the earth's resources to
run your MD recorder (less moving parts too)

Believe me, you can record 74 minutes of music off just about any radio
station and by the time you delete all the crap you don't want to hear
you'll still have probably 60 minutes of free space. Hit record again and -
from experience - it will take you three days to fill the thing up with a
good collection of music.

Sure, this involves a lot of work - track marks, selections and deletions
but try doing that with a cassette.

>1) cost
>This is both as a single unit (reasonable "D90" tapes are typically less

But they wear out, fade and break. The MD is robust. Believe me.

>and as the second item
>2) Time length -
>Get 90min on a MD and Im there - or get the cost per min
>down to the same (aka like $0.75 per 60min MD). Also - for recording
stuff -
>the 60min / 90min format works out a bit better

You really make no point here. The 74 minute time length was obviously
designed to meet the standards of the CD. Maybe you are thinking in terms
that you must fill every minute on the disk to avoid a big blind silent gap
as you would with a cassette. Not so with the MD. If the 60 minute cassette
format works out good for you then why wouldn't a 74 minute MD with 14
minutes of blank space work out?

>3) Ubuquity -
>*everyplace* has a cassette player - and anyone can play
>a tape that I make (not everyone has MD)

That's a valid point. The only solution is to carry around an RC2MINI cord
and a cassette adapter. Which I do...As for lending, heck you can just burn
a copy of your MD onto one of those cheap cassette tapes and *give* it to
your friend. Let him deal with the 17 minute blind silent gap. How can he
complain when it's free?

>I think if they get MD players in the $50 range and blank MDs in the sub $1
>range the format will *really* take off.....

I think this is the whole gist of the thing Ed - cost. People are really
pushed away by the price of the recorders which, because of the total lack
of prerecorded material for sale are necessary.

I'm wondering if the music industry isn't behind this?

They might be behind all this MP3 stuff (which I think is definitely the
wave of the future as I can see it being crammed down my throat at this very

I guess the music industry is just like the oil industry - they can't lose.

No matter what...

Paul Irvine  - Antioch CA
72 Spider - 79 Sprint Veloce - 82 GTV6
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