But, if I'm on netmeeting and turn the volume for the show down, could I
keep recording, so I can record the whole show including the part where I'd
be on? There's this show I listen to sometimes that takes calls on
netmeeting, and I'd like to be able to record it, and be able to
participate in it.
Any way to do it? If I bought a minidisc recorder, would that help any?
I was thinking that thing mentioned on the list about the idea of playing a
recording into a remote would be good, to have it do things when I want to,
how does it work? When you play it, how does the minidisc recorder know
what to do with the other devices at the time? Like, if I recorded various
shows from satellite or something, would I be able to have the computer or
other source turn on and turn down the program during the commercial break
and come back on when it's done, possibly putting music in between, or just
pausing the minidisc so I can have enough space to record without having to
do anything with it?
At 07:10 PM 4/15/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Brent Harding wrote:
>> Mine has digital out, don't know what kind, it just says digital
>> out. Also, about the sblive value, can it be made to allow recording
>> from the mike and wave output at the same time, so they mix in one
>> file? Or can it record more than one thing, so I can record a
>> netcast and talk on it at the same time without missing any of it?
>You cannot record from several sources at one time.
>However, there is a setting called "what you hear" for recording,
>which will record anything you can hear over the speakers.
>So it is possible to enable both wave playback and the mike for
>playing, and then recording it.
>  Hannes
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