Dunno but it sounds a bit like the "stuttering" problem I had with my Sony
520 recently.  The discs which were recorded on the 520 played fine on
another MD player but on the 520 they stopped and started in a stuttering
manner and the timer stopped and started with them.  The problem is
absolutely consistent on repeat plays of the "faulty" disc.

Opinions on md-I varied from dust to bad discs to laser misalignment to a
damaged laser... and through it in the bin.  At first I suspected Maxell
discs but it happened on an Arita as well and it seemed too much of a
co-incidence.  Brought it back into Richer Sounds here in Ireland who sent
it to Sony who cleaned it and sent it back today "no fault found"... it
remains to be seen.  I'm pretty sure it's not the discs cos I filled the
balance of the disc, then deleted the offending section and re-recorded.. no

Dunno if that's any help... maybe it's just a bit of dust... you might be

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Rodenkirch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 06:16
Subject: MD: help! dropouts!!

> I did a live mix for Univision (spanish language network), gave them a
> (which dumped) and did a backup on my MZR50.  The problem is the MDs are
> dropping out, even on a "PRO" (Sony $2500+) player.  The disks play back
> better on my R50 than the "PRO" unit but there are still dropouts.  I have
> not flown the material in to an editor so I don't know if stuff is gone or
> the player is having problems reading the disk.  At one point the "PRO"
> sat for about ten seconds with the clock stopped and only silence comming
> out.
> Has anyone had this problem and can anyone suggest a fix???
> p.s. I could probably edit from other takes but I don't want to.
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