John Rolt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anyone advise on a suitable system or have I missed something (eg
> can one record via a mic into the line input? If so, what sort of
> mic?). It does seem dumb to me that with MD so brilliant for live
> recording so few units (other than portables) have stereo mic inputs!

You can add a low cost pre-amp to a home MD deck.  In the US, Midiman
makes a nice sounding, reasonably priced pre-amp: the Flying Calf.
Rolls and many other manufacturers also make them.

Jeanmougin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All the portables have stereo microphone inputs but the majority of
> mics are powered with low voltage. The consequence is that if you plug
> them to the mic input, you will have to raise the recording volume
> and, in that case, you will have a backgroung noise (caused by the mic
> input). So, you'd better use mics with a battery box that allows mics
> to be plugged to line input (less, less noisy). For more details, go
> at .

This isn't quite right.  The battery box you refer to is not a
microphone pre-amp.  It does not allow you to use the line input when
otherwise you couldn't.  All it does is provide a voltage to either
provide the mic's operating voltage when the recorder can't, or in an
attempt improve its performance.

All current portable MD recorders (e.g., Sony, Sharp, Aiwa) can provide
an adequate voltage to drive the unmodified Panasonic mic capsules used
in ourt Low Cost Binaural microphone set, so in general, you should
rarely need a battery box unless you are recording *extremely* loud

If you do use a battery box with unmodified Panasonic microphone
capsules, you'll find that you get *higher* distortion, though the mics
will handle higher sound pressure levels before they overload.

Using the battery box actually increases microphone self-noise unless
the microphones are modified.  For example, our Core Sound Binaural and
Core Sound Stealth Cardioid microphones are modified so that they have
lower self-noise, more than 20 dB more dynamic range, much lower
distortion at high sound pressure levels, flatter frequency response,
and less potential for mic pre-amp overload.  They require the use of
the battery box that comes with them.

I hope that this helps!

Len Moskowitz             Stealth Microphones (tm), Cables, Interfaces
Core Sound      
Teaneck, New Jersey
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: 201-801-0812, FAX: 201-801-0912
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