On Thu, 25 May 2000 15:06:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  If I am comparing the effects of recording from:
>  1. a very good LD player (with karoke sound system, etc)
>  or
>  2. a simple Discman (with no fantastic sound system)
>  to my MD player (say, both using the same wire to connect the systems)
>  will there be a great difference in the quality of the recording?

Depends. ;-)

If it's a digital connection (presumably optical - I believe some portable /
personal CD playes have optical outs), then there should be little or no
perceivable difference, assuming the manufacture of the ports does not
produce any signal loss beyond the scope of any error correction.

If it's a purely analogue connection, it will largely depend on the quality
and integrity of the DACs on the two source devices.


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