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This is my first post to the list and I'm not actually sure whether I'm =
subscribed properly seen as though I haven't received many emails yet. =
Hopefully this is should prove if the list is just a little quiet at the =
moment or if I haven't got everything sorted out right.

My question is concerning replacement earphones for my Sharp MD-MS722. =
I've damaged the pair which came with the unit and although I'm sure if =
I hunted around I could get a decent pair to replace them, I'd rather =
stick to the ones I know and trust. Every other pair I've tried just =
sounds weak and feeble or incredibly uncomfortable! I've tried Sharp's =
UK website and they do a really good on-line ordering system for =
replacement batteries and optical cables but no earphones. Does anyone =
know where I could get hold of some here in the UK or anywhere?

Thanks in advance!


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