"David W. Tamkin" wrote:
>   I missed the
> EJECT slide and slid RECORD instead, ruining the first couple seconds that
> followed the point of the last edit.  (On a unit with automatic end search,
> that slip would have been non-destructive; it would have written into avail-
> able space, and then I could simply have erased the accidental recording.)

I did the same thing, and I have heard of others that had had that
happen.  I always read the manual and it didn't help.   I heard of a guy
that on showing his MD to a friend, the friend opened it to look at the
disc  and pushed record instead.         

> Yes, I had read the manual, but all the
> manual said was to press END SEARCH before appending new material; nowhere
> did it say to press that key before ejecting a disc.
> [When I reported the incident here, another subscriber chewed me out that it
> was my own fault for not using the write-protect.  Exactly how he expected me
> to edit a write-protected disc I didn't bother asking.]

There is always someone that types before they think.  Of course I have
never done that.<G>

Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
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