* finny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Sun, 28 May 2000
| The MDRE888lp's from sony are the best sounding in-ear headphones I have
| ever used.  Available from minidisco.com and direct from sony. price
| 69-79 dollars. This seems like a lot to spend on ear buds, but its not.

There are better, but they cost a lot more.  Etymotics, for example.

| People forget that speakers(headphones count too) are the most important
| part of a system, and as such you should be willing to spend a lot of
| money on them.

Well, no.  Top of the line speakers driven by a mediocre amplifier is
stupid.  Those speakers will enunciate every flaw in the amp.  On the other
hand, a high-end amplifier will sound better than a mediocre amp when
driving the same set of mediocre speakers, but those speakers will fail to
utilize the full capability of the amp.  The important thing is to strike a
balance between components, mainly amplifier and speakers.

I have a set of 888s.  I like them.  My experience with them is that they
want more power than the average headphone amp is willing to provide.  Case
in point: the bass response on the MS-702 is strong, but not overpowering,
without any "bass boost"; the MZ-R90 requires level 1 boost to achieve
similar response, but trebble sounds a little "mushy".

| My home theater, which includes a DVD player, Dolby Digital Reciever, MD
| recorder, 45 inch TV, and five speakers was %35 speaker in terms of cost.

This comparison makes no sense.  The DVD player, the MD recorder, and the
TV have little or no effect on how your speakers sound, and for all we
know, you have an absolute rock-bottom Sony receiver in there driving a set
of PSB Alphas.  And we have no idea what the accoustics of your A/V room
are like.  And keep in mind that surround kits and stereo kits are very
different configurations, because the speakers are intended for different

So, there is more to it than "buy the most expensive speakers."
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