I've said this before, quite some time ago now.

I think there IS a possibility of co-ax and optical sounding different, but
not directly because of the cable used, but the fact that at some point
within the MiniDisc player the sound is converted back to analogue - it is
the analogue stage that is usually 'heard'. So, now we come down to how the
analogue stage could possibly sound different - which is a whole different
ball game, and one not so easy to resolve.

I propose it is possible that due to the differing electrical requirements
of optical receivers and co-axial terminators (or whatever) audible
differences could occur in the analogue stage.

Therefore, we are not really comparing bits with bits, but potentially two
'different' analogue circuits. I mean different because, for example, co-ax
may use less power than optical, which in turn could mean more power
available to the analogue stage when co-ax is being used, this would
normally mean that more detail can be heard.

OK, now to stretch things little. What if different MiniDiscs load the motor
in different ways due to friction, weight etc. In theory this could effect
the analogue stage too.

My ears tell me there is a teeny tiny difference between co-ax and optical
(I prefer the former), but it is so small I would never notice without
back-to-back (even blind) listening. I believe some people can hear
differences in MiniDisc media (I can't). I also think that different co-ax
cables could effect the sound (but I've not tried).

I think your experiment is totally valid, and I believe the findings - but I
think there could be more to it. Now if we could compare the analogue
outputs in the same way, we'd really know - but it's a much harder thing to
do precisely enough. So I don't think we will ever really know.

What I would love to hear, is from someone with access to an external DAC -
as analogue wouldn't be being used on the MD at all, changing cables types
between the CD and MD should make no audible difference. Who's up for it?

Marantz 63ki signature
Sony 930 (UK edition)


Me? Devils Advocate?

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Churchill, Guy
Sent: 29 May 2000 06:50

experiment I was conducting (details to be released soon) I thought
it would be interesting to record from my Marantz CD-63se both
optical and co-ax digital streams.  This went into a digital Multiwave
soundcard (with both optical and co-ax inputs) and recorded with Sound
Forge at 44khz /16 bit.   The resulting files were saved as wav files

Both files are identical !  ... bit for bit identical.  All the

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