You've probably already tried this, but maybe the lens is just dirty and
needs cleaning with one of the cleaning MDs you can buy in most shops?

Whatever the problem is, good luck! My second Sony discman did something
similar a few months ago -- when trying to play most CDs it would say "no
disc" unless the unit was shaken while it started to play (seriously!). I
tried a cleaning CD (and I had to shake the unit to get that to play, too,
heh), but no luck. (For some reason it played one of my CDs fine,

The complete unreliability of portable CD players is what ultimately made
me jump to MD for portable audio, despite being quite anti-MD at the time.
I didn't like the idea of lossy compression and I hated (and still do :-))
having to spent time in advance recording my CDs to MD. But if the damn
players were going to break ever six months, MD was a much better
option. (And the players are a lot more portable, too.)

(That said, I bought another discman, almost identical to the old one, to
use as a decidated digital-output CD->MD device. :-) (And to play a new
CD which came out while I was in another country with only my MD player,



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