Just thought I'd ask a quick question about record-pause on the Aiwa
portables - specifically the AM-F65 (F70 without some of the bells and
whistles - no backlights, or LCD on remote, no AA battery pack).

I was doing a slightly unusual (for me - I normally use a Sharp MD-X5H, or
sometimes the analog audio RCA outs on my DVD player) recording last night,
from a cassette, from my Aiwa CD system. Unfortunately it doesn't have
anything appropriate for output, no digital out (or in fact digital
connections at all), no RCA outs either (only auxiliary inputs), so I have
to use the headphone socket. I have to use this, as apart from a couple of
reasonable quality personal tape players, this is the only thing I've got
with tape decks.

I set the auto reverse settings to just play side one, then side two, rather
than continuous - with hindsight I probably should have let it carry on and
fill the MD, but then it would have carried on playing all night!

Anyways to get to the point, I left it recording overnight, and as the tape
(both sides) was shorter than the length of the MD, when the tape finished
and stopped, my MD portie went (correctly) into record-pause mode. And I
would imagine it would have been like that for perhaps around 7 hours, until
I came down this morning. I was only using the portables battery (no mains
source, easily nearby where the stereo was), which was around full charge.

When I had a look, this morning, it was still in record-pause mode, and I
couldn't make out an spinning noise by the unit, so I assume it was
power-saving (? would it do this?) and had spun down the MD. I pressed stop
and it wrote the TOC OK, and although the battery level indicator showed
considerably less charge than when I started, it still showed one full block
(out of three), and given that it recorded for just over an hour, and was
then left for around 7 hours in record-pause, I assume it must have done at
least some power saving.

What I'm curious about is whether this is particularly bad for the unit (ie
being in record-pause for so many hours), and whether anything has likely
had it's life shortened prematurely. I only ask, really, as from memory I
remember some vague comments, back in the mists of time, about it being bad
practice to leave porties in record-pause for lengthy periods.


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