las <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Someone made the statement that one reason was because it costs more to
>make earbuds of equal quality to regular headphones.  That's not it
>either.  First of all, before you make a statement like that, you had
>better have data to back it up.


Just to be clear, are you stating that:

a) "It costs more to make earbuds of equal quality to regular headphones" 
is not the *reason* they don't come with earbuds in the U.S.


b) The statement "It costs more to make earbuds of equal quality to 
regular headphones" is not true?

I first interpreted your comment to mean "b", with which I was about to 
vehemently disagree <grin>, but then I realized that you might be saying 
"a" with which I pretty much agree.
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