
B but possibly also A<G>.  Unless you are an executive at one of the
companies that manufactures both headphones and earbuds, there is know way to
know with perfect certainty that it cost more to make earbuds.

In a way you are comparing apples and oranges.  That's because there are
limitations as to how good you can make earbuds.  At a certain point they
become as good as they can get.  But the whole thing is so subjective.

If you took a dozen people and had a dozen pair of earbuds and asked each
person to audition them (using the same exact music music source and
reproductive system) you would get some interesting results.

Most people could probably pick out the real crappy ones (most people not
all).  But as you got up the ladder, the results would be scattered all over
the place with price (or to keep it in your terms, the cost of manufacturing)
showing little relationship with regard to which were judged best.  (If you
were confused about what I wrote before, this should really confuse you,
because I'm not even sure what I just wrote<G>.

The same would be true for headphones.  Over the years we have had dozens of
threads here with everyone having their own best  headphones.  So you really
can't make a blanket statement about it costing more to make a set of earbuds
then it would cost to make "equal" sounding headphones.

One thing that I am pretty sure of is that many Americans prefer headphones
over earbuds.  Go to any quality and or well stocked audio supply. Pick one
with the largest selection of headphones.  You will find many, many to choose
from.  But I'll bet even in a store that sells a lot of headphones, you are
not going to find many different choices in earbuds.

I'm talking about the US in the statement that I made above.  Americans (not
all of course) prefer headphones.  Don't ask me why.  the only reason that I
could give would be on the high end.  As I stated before, you reach a point
where earbuds peak.  But headphones, not being subject to the same size and
weight restrictions can go past that peak.

So there really is no way to say what you are saying with perfect certainty.
Not that I can see from the statements and scenarios I presented above.

Personally, I like earbuds.  But I must own about 4 or 5 pair and only one or
two really satisfy my listening tastes.  I have heard some very good
headphones.  But I never find them as comfortable as some of the earbuds.


Dan Frakes wrote:

> las <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Someone made the statement that one reason was because it costs more to
> >make earbuds of equal quality to regular headphones.  That's not it
> >either.  First of all, before you make a statement like that, you had
> >better have data to back it up.
> Larry:
> Just to be clear, are you stating that:
> a) "It costs more to make earbuds of equal quality to regular headphones"
> is not the *reason* they don't come with earbuds in the U.S.
> or
> b) The statement "It costs more to make earbuds of equal quality to
> regular headphones" is not true?
> I first interpreted your comment to mean "b", with which I was about to
> vehemently disagree <grin>, but then I realized that you might be saying
> "a" with which I pretty much agree.
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