On Fri, 21 Jul 2000 23:11:15 +0100 Raymond West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> About 20 years ago I asked RS for a catalogue and account, but they
> wouldn't deal with me because my level of trade was too low.........After 
> about six months I got a semi abusive phone call from them criticizing me 
> for not ordering from them.

oops.. If RS had ever treated me like that, I certainly wouldn't be using 
them... In the same breath, i have to say that if I didn't work for an 
educational establishment, I would have been dealt with in the same way, 
considering the small amount i order from them.

The account the uni has was in existence long before I started working 
here, and I tend to order from the same (smaller) companies I used when I 
was in other jobs, but in some cases i am constrained to using 
organisations the uni has existing accounts with (garbled defense ends 
here..). In my limited experience of them, they have been okay..

I s'pose it boils down to whether you have an evil corporation behind you 
or not (note to Brunel e-mail monitors... you KNOW you are an evil 
corporation.. don't try to wriggle out of it..!).

I didn't mean to inadvertantly pull wool over anyones eyes! Don't use RS, 
they treat you like *@$*!

yeah, i'm done now.


Sean Buckingham
Media Services
Brunel University, UK
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