On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, David W. Tamkin wrote:

> And a volume of -1.2 dB will still light up the last bar, I believe.

Yes... I think the values marked on the scale are the top levels for each
> All right; where do I get a different tone generating program?  It can write
> .wavs, right?  Then I could copy those to CDRW (on the computer's burner, not
> on the standalone, since my soundcard has only analog ports) and record them
> to MD, then back to CDRW on the standalone, then rip them to the computer
> again for analysis ... aw gee, it's complicated.

For an alternative, if you have Windows, why not try the Winamp tone
generator plugin: the disk writer will allow it to produce .wav files for
burning CDs.

I'm glad my work was appreciated :)


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